Tuesday, April 29, 2008
I drank a diet coke last night
Don't judge me. I know I shouldn't have done it. I was on day 30 something of no carbonated drinks - damn! But I was in Target and it was right there - damn! I think quitting smoking was easier than this. It didn't even taste good but I drank it anyway. Why was that? Maybe b/c I was at home but the TV wasn't working b/c IT WAS RAINING so I needed something to do so I went to Target. I guess I can blame my husband for this- if we still had cable I would have been watching Gossip Girl! Okay - so I feel better now - I confessed and I blamed someone else - now I can get on with my day! Thanks!
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8:45 AM
I drank a diet coke last night

Monday, April 28, 2008
My Husband is a Lucky Man
Why you might ask? Because he isn't here. If he was, I would kill him! Why again you might ask? B/c his cheap ass changed our wonderful Time Warner Cable Television into Direct TV (Satelitte) AND IT GOES OUT WHEN IT RAINS!!!!! The switch happened on Thursday, my husband left to go out of town for some boondoggle on Satursday, and Sunday I want to sit down to watch TV. If you live in Raleigh (or on the east coast for that matter) you know why I'm so pissed. It has been raining nonstop here for about the last 24 hours and Sunday Night TV (Desperate Housewives and Brothers and Sisters) is some of my favorite! Last night I came home from doing errands around 7 pm and wanted to relax with a little mindless TV - there were torrential storms outside - but since this had never affected my TV watching before I thought nothing of it. Until I turned on the TV and it had some signal issue 771. Oh hell no - so I call Direct TV get their automated technical support that has the audacity to tell me 771 means "you might be having bad weather in your area and try your TV again when it stops". That was technical support? WTF! The TV actually came back on 10 minutes before Desperate Housewives (good karma perhaps?) but cut out a couple times during the show and during Brothers and Sisters. So here is my question and I will stop ranting - What happened when the cop came over to Dylan on the bench - what did he tell her? Hopefully that is the only significant thing I missed. It is supposed to rain all day today too - good thing I don't like any Monday night TV:)!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
I'm not a talker
Okay so that is a complete lie and one of my favorite movie quotes (Old School). I like to say it a lot right before I go into or come out of some long rant about nothing in particular. I can't help myself - I'm a story teller. I thought I might confess this right at the beginning of our relationship so as not to lead you astray. :)
A Couple Other Confessions:
1) I grew up in South Georgia so my spelling and proper english writing techniques are basically crap. So is my vocabulary (hence why I couldn't think of a better word than crap just now). Georgia was 49th in education during my k - 12 years - nice!!!
2) F*ck is my favorite word. I probably shouldn't be telling you this right away but it is true and I use it a lot so I guess it is out on the table. My sister told me that it was going to be her children's first word if they hung out with me anymore, so I started saying WTF or YFKM (you're effing killing me). Hopefully they won't be smart enough to figure out what the acronyms mean for a while.
3) I love red wine. However, I am pretty clumsy when I am drinking it - and no not b/c I am drunk. I don't spill white wine, beer, cosmos, margaritas, mojitos - nope just red wine and it really sucks. Is the universe trying to tell me something? If so, the only message I am getting is that maybe I should design something similar to a sippey cup top for my wine glasses. I mean I'm usually a pretty graceful person - years of ballet - so I'm not sure why red wine in a glass makes me a complete carpet destroying loser (sorry Dan!).
4) I love Tiaras and pageant waves!!! Yes that's right Tiaras and Pageant Waves - you know what I'm talking about elbow elbow wrist wrist wrist. I have basically perfected it. Not b/c I have been in a lot of pageants (only Miss AHS woo hoo) - but just basically b/c I love Tiaras and whenever I have one on I do the wave:) Oh and another confession - if I don't have a Tiara and someone else does I will try by any means necessary to secure said Tiara (unless the Tiara is on a bride - then I will leave it alone - usually). For instance - last night I went to the Beerfest in Moore's Square in Raleigh. I saw someone with a pink glittery tiara right when I entered - I mean I didn't know this was a tiara type event or I would have brought my own. So of course I was jealous and as luck would have it even with the hundreds of people at the Beerfest we kept seeing it over and over again. About 60 beers into the 118 I finally approached the Tiara Wearer and basically said "Listen honey, you look cute in the Tiara and all but I'm sure I have a better wave so hand it over":) And finally my last confession - I am very persausive:) Yep - that's me with the pink glittery tiara waving at my adoring fans:)
A Couple Other Confessions:
1) I grew up in South Georgia so my spelling and proper english writing techniques are basically crap. So is my vocabulary (hence why I couldn't think of a better word than crap just now). Georgia was 49th in education during my k - 12 years - nice!!!
2) F*ck is my favorite word. I probably shouldn't be telling you this right away but it is true and I use it a lot so I guess it is out on the table. My sister told me that it was going to be her children's first word if they hung out with me anymore, so I started saying WTF or YFKM (you're effing killing me). Hopefully they won't be smart enough to figure out what the acronyms mean for a while.
3) I love red wine. However, I am pretty clumsy when I am drinking it - and no not b/c I am drunk. I don't spill white wine, beer, cosmos, margaritas, mojitos - nope just red wine and it really sucks. Is the universe trying to tell me something? If so, the only message I am getting is that maybe I should design something similar to a sippey cup top for my wine glasses. I mean I'm usually a pretty graceful person - years of ballet - so I'm not sure why red wine in a glass makes me a complete carpet destroying loser (sorry Dan!).
4) I love Tiaras and pageant waves!!! Yes that's right Tiaras and Pageant Waves - you know what I'm talking about elbow elbow wrist wrist wrist. I have basically perfected it. Not b/c I have been in a lot of pageants (only Miss AHS woo hoo) - but just basically b/c I love Tiaras and whenever I have one on I do the wave:) Oh and another confession - if I don't have a Tiara and someone else does I will try by any means necessary to secure said Tiara (unless the Tiara is on a bride - then I will leave it alone - usually). For instance - last night I went to the Beerfest in Moore's Square in Raleigh. I saw someone with a pink glittery tiara right when I entered - I mean I didn't know this was a tiara type event or I would have brought my own. So of course I was jealous and as luck would have it even with the hundreds of people at the Beerfest we kept seeing it over and over again. About 60 beers into the 118 I finally approached the Tiara Wearer and basically said "Listen honey, you look cute in the Tiara and all but I'm sure I have a better wave so hand it over":) And finally my last confession - I am very persausive:) Yep - that's me with the pink glittery tiara waving at my adoring fans:)
Here we go......
I am so excited to be blogging again! My husband and I created our first blog when we traveled to Australia so all our friends and family could see what we were doing. You can check it out at http://www.wheresmandyandnate.blogspot.com/ . I found that I enjoyed the trip even more by being able to share it with the folks back home. I figured writing this blog would help me appreciate and enjoy my life here in Raleigh even more than I already do by being able to share it with all of you. Besides don't you remember back in middle and high school when the teachers would tell you to write in a journal as it would be therapeutic? Those were supposed to be private entries and I never did start one but I thought I would start with a blog and let whoever in the world wanted to read it do so. Nothing like jumping in with both feet :) So here I am - welcome to A Southern Sass - daily chronicles of my so called life:)
Posted by
12:19 PM
Here we go......
Here we go.....|

Here we go.....
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