A Couple Other Confessions:
1) I grew up in South Georgia so my spelling and proper english writing techniques are basically crap. So is my vocabulary (hence why I couldn't think of a better word than crap just now). Georgia was 49th in education during my k - 12 years - nice!!!
2) F*ck is my favorite word. I probably shouldn't be telling you this right away but it is true and I use it a lot so I guess it is out on the table. My sister told me that it was going to be her children's first word if they hung out with me anymore, so I started saying WTF or YFKM (you're effing killing me). Hopefully they won't be smart enough to figure out what the acronyms mean for a while.
3) I love red wine. However, I am pretty clumsy when I am drinking it - and no not b/c I am drunk. I don't spill white wine, beer, cosmos, margaritas, mojitos - nope just red wine and it really sucks. Is the universe trying to tell me something? If so, the only message I am getting is that maybe I should design something similar to a sippey cup top for my wine glasses. I mean I'm usually a pretty graceful person - years of ballet - so I'm not sure why red wine in a glass makes me a complete carpet destroying loser (sorry Dan!).
4) I love Tiaras and pageant waves!!! Yes that's right Tiaras and Pageant Waves - you know what I'm talking about elbow elbow wrist wrist wrist. I have basically perfected it. Not b/c I have been in a lot of pageants (only Miss AHS woo hoo) - but just basically b/c I love Tiaras and whenever I have one on I do the wave:) Oh and another confession - if I don't have a Tiara and someone else does I will try by any means necessary to secure said Tiara (unless the Tiara is on a bride - then I will leave it alone - usually). For instance - last night I went to the Beerfest in Moore's Square in Raleigh. I saw someone with a pink glittery tiara right when I entered - I mean I didn't know this was a tiara type event or I would have brought my own. So of course I was jealous and as luck would have it even with the hundreds of people at the Beerfest we kept seeing it over and over again. About 60 beers into the 118 I finally approached the Tiara Wearer and basically said "Listen honey, you look cute in the Tiara and all but I'm sure I have a better wave so hand it over":) And finally my last confession - I am very persausive:) Yep - that's me with the pink glittery tiara waving at my adoring fans:)
The fact that you included a picture... makes that story 10 x more freakin' hilarious. Oh and the fact that you managed to bring it to Buckhead with you after.
Effing classic.
I am in south ga right now and yes, the education is crap. Where did you grow up? I live in Brunswick but am moving to Hotlanta.
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