Sunday, April 27, 2008

Here we go......

I am so excited to be blogging again! My husband and I created our first blog when we traveled to Australia so all our friends and family could see what we were doing. You can check it out at . I found that I enjoyed the trip even more by being able to share it with the folks back home. I figured writing this blog would help me appreciate and enjoy my life here in Raleigh even more than I already do by being able to share it with all of you. Besides don't you remember back in middle and high school when the teachers would tell you to write in a journal as it would be therapeutic? Those were supposed to be private entries and I never did start one but I thought I would start with a blog and let whoever in the world wanted to read it do so. Nothing like jumping in with both feet :) So here I am - welcome to A Southern Sass - daily chronicles of my so called life:)